Para-hydrogen induced polarization of Si-29 NMR resonances as a potentially useful tool for analytical applications

Published: Wednesday, 29 August 2012 - 12:33 UTC


Ellena, S., et al., Para-hydrogen induced polarization of Si-29 NMR resonances as a potentially useful tool for analytical applications. Magn. Reson. Chem., 2012. 50(8): p. 529-533.

Para-hydrogen–induced polarization effects have been observed in the 29Si NMR spectra of trimethylsilyl para-hydrogenated molecules. The high signal enhancements and the long T1 values observed for the 29Si hyperpolarized resonances point toward the possibility of using 29Si for hyperpolarization applications. A method for the discrimination of multiple compounds and/or complex mixtures of hydroxylic compounds (such as steroids), consisting of the silylization of alcoholic functionalities with an unsaturated silylalkyl moiety and subsequent reaction with para-H2, is proposed.