EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Designing broadband pulsed dynamic nuclear polarization sequences in static solids #DNPNMR

December 14, 2022 - Wili, Nino, Anders Bodholt Nielsen, Laura Alicia Völker, Lukas Schreder, Niels Chr. Nielsen, Gunnar Jeschke, and Kong Ooi Tan.

DNPLab 2.0.14 Release Note

December 12, 2022 - New releases for DNPLab are published every other Friday at 5 pm EST. This release includes updates to documentation and bug fixes.

1H chemical shift anisotropy: a high sensitivity solid-state NMR dynamics probe for surface studies? #DNPNMR

December 12, 2022 - Southern, Scott A., Da-Jiang Liu, Puranjan Chatterjee, Yuting Li, and Frédéric A. Perras. “1H Chemical Shift Anisotropy: A High Sensitivity Solid-State NMR Dynamics Probe for Surface Studies?

Chandrasekhar Ramanathan | Room Temperature DNPl | WEDNESDAY, 14th Decemebr #DNPNMR

December 11, 2022 - Dear All, It is our pleasure to announce that the 57th Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Prof.

Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium | Dr. Alexander Schnegg | Wednesday December 14 #DNPNMR

December 11, 2022 - Dear Colleagues, the next Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium takes place on December 14, on Zoom (4pm CET - Berlin, 11pm CST - Beijing, 10am EST - New York).

Frémy’s Salt as a Low-Persistence Hyperpolarization Agent - Efficient Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Plus Rapid Radical Scavenging #DNPNMR

December 9, 2022 - Negroni, Mattia, Ertan Turhan, Thomas Kress, Morgan Ceillier, Sami Jannin, and Dennis Kurzbach. “Frémy’s Salt as a Low-Persistence Hyperpolarization Agent: Efficient Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Plus Rapid Radical Scavenging.