February 6, 2023 - Liang, Ting-Ou, Yan Hao Koh, Tie Qiu, Erping Li, Wenwei Yu, and Shao Ying Huang. “High-Performance Permanent Magnet Array Design by a Fast Genetic Algorithm (GA)-Based Optimization for Low-Field Portable MRI.
February 4, 2023 - Dear All, The 61st Global NMR http://www.globalnmr.org/ Educational Tutorial will be given by , *Dr. *Giulia Mollica, Research Director, CNRS, Marseille, France on the topic:
February 4, 2023 - Summer school at Schloss Windischleuba: 26th March - 1st April 2023 https://www.cidnp.net/summerschools While all participant places are fully booked, there is the possibility to participate via Zoom.
February 3, 2023 - New releases for DNPLab are published every other Friday at 5 pm EST. This release includes updates to documentation and bug fixes.
February 3, 2023 - 3D printing is evolving into a standard tool for prototyping various optical components suitable for application in the terahertz range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
February 1, 2023 - Picazo-Frutos, Román, Quentin Stern, John W. Blanchard, Olivier Cala, Morgan Ceillier, Samuel F. Cousin, James Eills, Stuart J.