March 10, 2023 - Wili, Nino, Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen, and Gunnar Jeschke. “Reverse Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation for Indirect Detection of Nuclear Spins Close to Unpaired Electrons.
March 8, 2023 - O’Connell, Ryan C, Oxana Tseytlin, Andrey A Bobko, Timothy D Eubank, and Mark Tseytlin. “Rapid Scan EPR: Automated Digital Resonator Control for Low-Latency Data Acquisition.
March 7, 2023 - Registration is now open for the hands-on training in Lyon « Practical Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization »
March 6, 2023 - Himmler, Aaron, Mohammed M. Albannay, Gevin von Witte, Sebastian Kozerke, and Matthias Ernst. “Electroplated Waveguides to Enhance DNP and EPR Spectra of Silicon and Diamond Particles.
March 3, 2023 - Timofeev, Ivan O., Larisa V. Politanskaya, Evgeny V. Tretyakov, Yuliya F. Polienko, Victor M. Tormyshev, Elena G.
March 1, 2023 - Dear all, This is a reminder to sign up for the 3rd edition of the virtual AMPERE Café, which will take place on Thursday March 2nd, 20:00 CET.