EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

DNPLab 2.1.0 Release Note

March 17, 2023 - New releases for DNPLab are published every other Friday at 5 pm EST. This release includes updates to documentation and bug fixes.

Specific Signal Enhancement on an RNA‐Protein Interface by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization #DNPNMR

March 17, 2023 - Aladin, Victoria, Arun K. Sreemantula, Thomas Biedenbänder, Alexander Marchanka, and Björn Corzilius. “Specific Signal Enhancement on an RNA‐Protein Interface by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.

Fine optimization of a dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization experimental setting for 13C NMR of metabolic samples #DNPNMR

March 15, 2023 - Dey, Arnab, Benoît Charrier, Karine Lemaitre, Victor Ribay, Dmitry Eshchenko, Marc Schnell, Roberto Melzi, et al.

Advances in nano- and microscale NMR spectroscopy using diamond quantum sensors #DNPNMR

March 13, 2023 - Allert, Robin D., Karl D. Briegel, and Dominik B. Bucher. “Advances in Nano- and Microscale NMR Spectroscopy Using Diamond Quantum Sensors.

FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting - Konstanz 18-21 September

March 10, 2023 - Dear all, We are organizing the FGMR in Konstanz this year. Please see the message below.

Ph.D. position in NMR methodology in Nantes, France #DNPNMR

March 10, 2023 - A PhD positions is open in the Nantes NMR group of the CEISAM research institute in Nantes, France.