EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

SPIN 2023 at Duke University #DNPNMR

June 7, 2023 - The 25th iteration of the International Spin Symposium (SPIN 2023) will be held September 24-29 at Duke University.

Solid-Effect Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Viscous Liquids at 9.4 T Using Narrow-Line Polarizing Agents #DNPNMR

June 5, 2023 - Kuzhelev, Andrei A., Vasyl Denysenkov, Iram M. Ahmad, Olga Yu. Rogozhnikova, Dmitry V. Trukhin, Elena G.

HYP-2023 Leipzig: Enrole to participate AND submit an abstract #DNPNMR

June 4, 2023 - Dear all, Register to the Conf here: https://www.hyp23.org/registration.html (deadline early bird 28 June) Abstract submission here: https://participant.

[NMR] Opening: Magnetic Resonance based Sensing of Oil #DNPNMR

May 31, 2023 - The Center for Smart Engineering Materials (CSEM), New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to recruit a Research Associate to work on the chemical and structural characterization of organic scale from crude oil, as well as testing the precipitation and deposition behavior of organic scale under a variety of chemical and environmental conditions.

HYP23: Deadline abstract submission shifted to Mon 5 June #DNPNMR

May 31, 2023 - Dear all, I received some requests to shift the deadline for abstract submission for some days.

High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy at Large Fields with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers #Hyperpolarization

May 29, 2023 - Munuera-Javaloy, C., A. Tobalina, and J. Casanova. “High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy at Large Fields with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers.