EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Cross-validation of distance measurements in proteins by PELDOR/DEER and single-molecule FRET #EPR

December 1, 2023 - Peter, Martin F., Christian Gebhardt, Rebecca Mächtel, Gabriel G. Moya Muñoz, Janin Glaenzer, Alessandra Narducci, Gavin H.

DNPLab 2.1.12 Release Note

November 28, 2023 - New releases for DNPLab are published every other Friday at 5 pm EST. This documentation includes updates to the DNPData class and new functions.

Hyperpolarization and the physical boundary of Liouville space #DNPNMR

November 28, 2023 - Levitt, Malcolm H., and Christian Bengs. “Hyperpolarization and the Physical Boundary of Liouville Space.” Magnetic Resonance 2, no.

Postdoc positions in solid-state NMR & DNP at CEA / Univ. Grenoble Alpes #DNPNMR

November 27, 2023 - Postdoc positions available at CEA / Univ. Grenoble Alpes (France) Gaël DE PAËPE We are looking for two postdoc candidates for a start in 2024.

A cryogen-free, semi-automated apparatus for bullet-dynamic nuclear polarization with improved resolution #DNPNMR

November 26, 2023 - Kouřil, Karel, Michel Gramberg, Michael Jurkutat, Hana Kouřilová, and Benno Meier. “A Cryogen-Free, Semi-Automated Apparatus for Bullet-Dynamic Nuclear Polarization with Improved Resolution.

Modelling and correcting the impact of RF pulses for continuous monitoring of hyperpolarized NMR #DNPNMR

November 24, 2023 - Von Witte, Gevin, Matthias Ernst, and Sebastian Kozerke. “Modelling and Correcting the Impact of RF Pulses for Continuous Monitoring of Hyperpolarized NMR.