EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Development and Applications of High—Frequency Gyrotrons in FIR FU Covering the sub-THz to THz Range

September 26, 2012 - Idehara, T. and S. Sabchevski, Development and Applications of High—Frequency Gyrotrons in FIR FU Covering the sub-THz to THz Range.

Development of a Compact sub-THz Gyrotron FU CW CI for Application to High Power THz Technologies

September 24, 2012 - Idehara, T., et al., Development of a Compact sub-THz Gyrotron FU CW CI for Application to High Power THz Technologies.

1H relaxation dispersion in solutions of nitroxide radicals: Effects of hyperfine interactions with 14N and 15N nuclei

September 20, 2012 - Kruk, D., et al., 1H relaxation dispersion in solutions of nitroxide radicals: Effects of hyperfine interactions with 14N and 15N nuclei.

Theory for cross effect dynamic nuclear polarization under magic-angle spinning in solid state nuclear magnetic resonance: The importance of level crossings

September 14, 2012 - Thurber, K.R. and R. Tycko, Theory for cross effect dynamic nuclear polarization under magic-angle spinning in solid state nuclear magnetic resonance: The importance of level crossings.

Gyrotron DNP NMR, post-doc position

September 12, 2012 - A 4 year postdoc position is available at the EPF in Lausanne. More information can be found here:

Liquid state DNP for water accessibility measurements on spin-labeled membrane proteins at physiological temperatures

September 6, 2012 - Doll, A., et al., Liquid state DNP for water accessibility measurements on spin-labeled membrane proteins at physiological temperatures.