EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Open position at Bridge12: Engineer (entry-level)

September 30, 2013 - Bridge12 has currently an opening for an engineer (entry level). We are looking for a junior engineer to support our team at our facilities in Framingham (MA, USA).

Hyperpolarized butyrate: A metabolic probe of short chain fatty acid metabolism in the heart

September 30, 2013 - Ball, D.R., et al., Hyperpolarized butyrate: A metabolic probe of short chain fatty acid metabolism in the heart.

Press Release: NIH Funds Development of Integrated THz System, Making DNP-NMR Spectroscopy More Affordable

September 27, 2013 - Press Release NIH Funds Development of Integrated THz System, Making DNP-NMR Spectroscopy More Affordable Bridge12’s SBIR Fast-Track Grant Will Eliminate Need for Second Superconducting Magnet, Greatly Reducing Cost for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

Design and implementation of an FPGA-based timing pulse programmer for pulsed-electron paramagnetic resonance applications

September 27, 2013 - This article has not much to do with DNP, however, it is a very nice article about instrumentation for magnetic resonance spectroscopy and since DNP is still often an area where researchers use a lot of home-built equipment I’m sure there will be folks interested in that.

Congratulations to Patrick van der Wel for receiving the 2013 EAS New Faculty Award in NMR Spectroscopy

September 25, 2013 - From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List: The EAS is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2013 EAS New Faculty Award in NMR Spectroscopy is Dr.

Population transfer for signal enhancement in pulsed EPR experiments on half integer high spin systems

September 23, 2013 - Kaminker, I., et al., Population transfer for signal enhancement in pulsed EPR experiments on half integer high spin systems.