EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Computation of DNP coupling factors of a nitroxide radical in toluene: seamless combination of MD simulations and analytical calculations

October 14, 2013 - Sezer, D., Computation of DNP coupling factors of a nitroxide radical in toluene: seamless combination of MD simulations and analytical calculations.

Optimal variable flip angle schemes for dynamic acquisition of exchanging hyperpolarized substrates

October 11, 2013 - Xing, Y., et al., Optimal variable flip angle schemes for dynamic acquisition of exchanging hyperpolarized substrates.

Nanoemulsion Contrast Agents with Sub-picomolar Sensitivity for Xenon NMR

October 9, 2013 - Stevens, T.K., R.M. Ramirez, and A. Pines, Nanoemulsion Contrast Agents with Sub-picomolar Sensitivity for Xenon NMR.

Dynamic nuclear polarization of water by a nitroxide radical: rigorous treatment of the electron spin saturation and comparison with experiments at 9.2 Tesla

October 7, 2013 - And another great article from 2009 that I missed. Sezer, D., et al., Dynamic nuclear polarization of water by a nitroxide radical: rigorous treatment of the electron spin saturation and comparison with experiments at 9.

Site-specific dynamic nuclear polarization of hydration water as a generally applicable approach to monitor protein aggregation

October 4, 2013 - This article was already published in 2009 but unfortunately I missed it. Pavlova, A., et al.

Matrix-free dynamic nuclear polarization enables solid-state NMR (13)C-(13)C correlation spectroscopy of proteins at natural isotopic abundance

October 2, 2013 - Takahashi, H., S. Hediger, and G. De Paepe, Matrix-free dynamic nuclear polarization enables solid-state NMR (13)C-(13)C correlation spectroscopy of proteins at natural isotopic abundance.