EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Pushing NMR sensitivity limits using dynamic nuclear polarization with closed-loop cryogenic helium sample spinning

October 14, 2015 - Bouleau, E., et al., Pushing NMR sensitivity limits using dynamic nuclear polarization with closed-loop cryogenic helium sample spinning.

Metabolic response of prostate cancer to nicotinamide phophoribosyltransferase inhibition in a hyperpolarized MR/PET compatible bioreactor

October 9, 2015 - Keshari, K.R., et al., Metabolic response of prostate cancer to nicotinamide phophoribosyltransferase inhibition in a hyperpolarized MR/PET compatible bioreactor.

Affinity screening using competitive binding with fluorine-19 hyperpolarized ligands

October 7, 2015 - Kim, Y. and C. Hilty, Affinity screening using competitive binding with fluorine-19 hyperpolarized ligands. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2015.

Polarization Transfer from Ligands Hyperpolarized by Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Screening in Drug Discovery

October 5, 2015 - Min, H., G. Sekar, and C. Hilty, Polarization Transfer from Ligands Hyperpolarized by Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Screening in Drug Discovery.

Quantitative Structural Constraints for Organic Powders at Natural Isotopic Abundance Using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

October 2, 2015 - Mollica, G., et al., Quantitative Structural Constraints for Organic Powders at Natural Isotopic Abundance Using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.

X-Band DNP Hyperpolarization of Viscous Liquids and Polymer Melts

September 30, 2015 - Neudert, O., et al., X-Band DNP Hyperpolarization of Viscous Liquids and Polymer Melts. Macromol Rapid Commun, 2015.