EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Dynamic nuclear polarization by frequency modulation of a tunable gyrotron of 260GHz

April 4, 2016 - Yoon, D., et al., Dynamic nuclear polarization by frequency modulation of a tunable gyrotron of 260GHz.

Spin polarization transfer mechanisms of SABRE: A magnetic field dependent study

April 1, 2016 - Pravdivtsev, A.N., et al., Spin polarization transfer mechanisms of SABRE: A magnetic field dependent study. J Magn Reson, 2015.

EUROMAR 2016, July 3-7 in Aarhus, Denmark

March 31, 2016 - From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List Dear colleagues The EUROMAR 2016 Ampere conference takes place in Aarhus, Denmark July 3rd-7th 2016.

DNP 2016 Summer School organized by the EPFL #DNPNMR

March 30, 2016 - Dear DNP Community On behalf of the Organizing Committee it’s our pleasure to invite you to attend the next DNP School 2016, which will be held from August 22tnh to August 26th in Tramelan, a little Swiss village at 900 m elevation in the Bernese Jura close to Biel, Switzerland.

Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Observed by Solid-State NMR in a Uniformly (13)C-Isotope-Labeled Photosynthetic Reaction Center

March 30, 2016 - Paul, S., et al., Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Observed by Solid-State NMR in a Uniformly (13)C-Isotope-Labeled Photosynthetic Reaction Center.

A New Tool for NMR Crystallography: Complete (13)C/(15)N Assignment of Organic Molecules at Natural Isotopic Abundance Using DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR

March 28, 2016 - Marker, K., et al., A New Tool for NMR Crystallography: Complete (13)C/(15)N Assignment of Organic Molecules at Natural Isotopic Abundance Using DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR.