June 5, 2017 - This is a very nice article illustrating the importance of understanding the EPR parameters of a polarizing agent used in DNP-NMR spectroscopy.
June 5, 2017 - Hope, M.A., et al., Surface-selective direct 17O DNP NMR of CeO2 nanoparticles. Chem Commun (Camb), 2017.
June 5, 2017 - A PhD position is available in the group of Andrew Pell at the Department of Materials Environmental and Environmental Chemistry (MMK), Stockholm University (Sweden), in solid-state NMR of paramagnetic materials.
June 2, 2017 - Leavesley, A., et al., Effect of electron spectral diffusion on static dynamic nuclear polarization at 7 Tesla.
May 31, 2017 - Mentink-Vigier, F., S. Vega, and G. De Paepe, Fast and accurate MAS-DNP simulations of large spin ensembles.
May 26, 2017 - Yet another application (although not new) for Overhauser DNP at 9 GHz. Firat, Y.E., H. Yildirim, and A.