September 1, 2017 - Kaminker, I., R. Barnes, and S. Han, Arbitrary waveform modulated pulse EPR at 200GHz. J Magn Reson, 2017.
August 30, 2017 - Jhajharia, A., et al., Communication: Dissolution DNP reveals a long-lived deuterium spin state imbalance in methyl groups.
August 28, 2017 - Ni, Q.Z., et al., Peptide and Protein Dynamics and Low-Temperature/DNP Magic Angle Spinning NMR. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017.
August 25, 2017 - Can, T.V., et al., Frequency-Swept Integrated Solid Effect. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2017. 56(24): p.
August 23, 2017 - Antonacci, M.A., et al., Depolarization of nuclear spin polarized 129Xe gas by dark rubidium during spin-exchange optical pumping.
August 21, 2017 - Karabanov, A., et al., Dynamic nuclear polarisation by thermal mixing: quantum theory and macroscopic simulations. Phys.