EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Frequency-agile gyrotron for electron decoupling and pulsed dynamic nuclear polarization #DNPNMR

April 27, 2018 - Scott, F.J., et al., Frequency-agile gyrotron for electron decoupling and pulsed dynamic nuclear polarization. J Magn Reson, 2018.

Effect of heavy atoms on photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization in liquids

April 25, 2018 - Okuno, Y. and S. Cavagnero, Effect of heavy atoms on photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization in liquids.

Magnetic-Field-Dependent Lifetimes of Hyperpolarized 13C Spins at Cryogenic Temperature

April 23, 2018 - Niedbalski, P., et al., Magnetic-Field-Dependent Lifetimes of Hyperpolarized 13C Spins at Cryogenic Temperature. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2018.

Primary Transfer Step in the Light-Driven Ion Pump Bacteriorhodopsin: An Irreversible U-Turn Revealed by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization-Enhanced Magic Angle Spinning NMR #DNPNMR

April 20, 2018 - Ni, Q.Z., et al., Primary Transfer Step in the Light-Driven Ion Pump Bacteriorhodopsin: An Irreversible U-Turn Revealed by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization-Enhanced Magic Angle Spinning NMR.

Direct hyperpolarization of micro- and nanodiamonds for bioimaging applications - Considerations on particle size, functionalization and polarization loss

April 18, 2018 - Kwiatkowski, G., et al., Direct hyperpolarization of micro- and nanodiamonds for bioimaging applications - Considerations on particle size, functionalization and polarization loss.

Postdoc position at Utrecht University: solid-state NMR-based design of membrane-active peptide-antibiotics

April 18, 2018 - A 2.5 years postdoc position in the structural characterisation and design of novel peptide-antibiotics is available in the Weingarth group at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.