EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Perspective of Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization for the study of soft materials #DNPNMR

September 5, 2018 - Biller, Joshua R., Ryan Barnes, and Songi Han. “Perspective of Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for the Study of Soft Materials.

Frequency-Swept Integrated and Stretched Solid Effect Dynamic Nuclear Polarization #DNPNMR

September 3, 2018 - Can, T. V., J. E. McKay, R. T. Weber, C. Yang, T. Dubroca, J. van Tol, S.

Electron-driven spin diffusion supports crossing the diffusion barrier in MAS DNP #DNPNMR

August 31, 2018 - Wittmann, Johannes J., Michael Eckardt, Wolfgang Harneit, and Björn Corzilius. “Electron-Driven Spin Diffusion Supports Crossing the Diffusion Barrier in MAS DNP.

Amplification of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at 200 GHz by Arbitrary Pulse Shaping of the Electron Spin Saturation Profile #DNPNMR

August 29, 2018 - Kaminker, Ilia, and Songi Han. “Amplification of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at 200 GHz by Arbitrary Pulse Shaping of the Electron Spin Saturation Profile.

Direct observation of Ru-alkylidene forming into ethylene in ring-closing metathesis from hyperpolarized 1H NMR #DNPNMR

August 27, 2018 - Kim, Yaewon, Chia-Hsiu Chen, and Christian Hilty. “Direct Observation of Ru-Alkylidene Forming into Ethylene in Ring-Closing Metathesis from Hyperpolarized 1H NMR.

Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Opens New Perspectives for NMR Spectroscopy in Analytical Chemistry #DNPNMR

August 24, 2018 - Plainchont, B., P. Berruyer, J. N. Dumez, S. Jannin, and P. Giraudeau. “Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Opens New Perspectives for NMR Spectroscopy in Analytical Chemistry.