November 26, 2018 - The Division of Chemical & Biological Sciences at Ames Laboratory, a Department of Energy National Laboratory affiliated with Iowa State University, has two open positions for a postdoctoral associate with a background in solid-state NMRspectroscopy.
November 23, 2018 - Overbeck, Viviane, and Ralf Ludwig. “NMR Studies of Protic Ionic Liquids.” In Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, 95:147–90.
November 21, 2018 - Postdoctoral position on “DNP NMR crystallography of functional organic materials at natural isotopic abundance”. The solid-state NMR group of the Institut de Chimie Radicalaire (ICR) at Aix-Marseille University is seeking motivated candidates for a postdoctoral position to work on an exciting project for excellent research funded by the European Research Council (ERC) in solid-state NMR and DNP of organic materials.
November 21, 2018 - This article is indirectly related to DNP. It describes an exciting new idea from the Barnes lab how to spin samples in a MAS-NMR experiments and the perspective of integrating DNP.
November 19, 2018 - Richards, Josh E., Alexander J. J. Hooper, Oliver W. Bayfield, Martin C. R. Cockett, Gordon J.
November 16, 2018 - Robertson, Thomas B.R., and Ryan E. Mewis. “Perspective on the Hyperpolarisation Technique Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE) in NMR Spectroscopy and MR Imaging.