EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Chemical Exchange Reaction Effect on Polarization Transfer Efficiency in SLIC-SABRE

January 23, 2019 - Pravdivtsev, Andrey N, Ivan Vladimirovich Skovpin, Alexandra I Svyatova, Nikita V Chukanov, Larisa M Kovtunova, Valerii I Bukhtiyarov, Eduard Y Chekmenev, Kirill V Kovtunov, Igor V Koptyug, and Jan-Bernd Hovener.

Temperature-Dependent Nuclear Spin Relaxation Due to Paramagnetic Dopants Below 30 K: Relevance to DNP-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging #DNPNMR

January 21, 2019 - Chen, Hsueh-Ying, and Robert Tycko. “Temperature-Dependent Nuclear Spin Relaxation Due to Paramagnetic Dopants Below 30 K: Relevance to DNP-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

MAS-DNP Enhancements: Hyperpolarization, Depolarization, and Absolute Sensitivity #DNPNMR

January 18, 2019 - Hediger, Sabine, Daniel Lee, Frédéric Mentink-Vigier, and Gaël De Paëpe. “MAS-DNP Enhancements: Hyperpolarization, Depolarization, and Absolute Sensitivity” 7 (2018): 12.

Determining Cholesterol Binding to Membrane Proteins by Cholesterol 13C Labeling in Yeast and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR #DNPNMR

January 16, 2019 - Elkins, Matthew R, Ivan V Sergeyev, and Mei Hong. “Determining Cholesterol Binding to Membrane Proteins by Cholesterol 13C Labeling in Yeast and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR.

Efficient Hyperpolarization of U- 13C-Glucose Using Narrow-Line UV-Generated Labile Free Radicals #DNPNMR

January 14, 2019 - DNP requires a paramagnetic polarizing agent. This is great for DNP but not so great for the NMR experiment, since the paramagnetic species often causes line broadening due to increase nuclear relaxation.

Recent advances in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of exotic nuclei #DNPNMR

January 11, 2019 - Leroy, César, and David L. Bryce. “Recent Advances in Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Exotic Nuclei.