EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Large-scale ab initio simulations of MAS DNP enhancements using a Monte Carlo optimization strategy #DNPNMR

December 14, 2018 - Perras, Frédéric A., and Marek Pruski. “Large-Scale Ab Initio Simulations of MAS DNP Enhancements Using a Monte Carlo Optimization Strategy.

Conformation of Bis-nitroxide Polarizing Agents by Multi- frequency EPR Spectroscopy #DNPNMR

December 12, 2018 - To optimize the DNP process it is crucial to understand the EPR properties of the polarizing agents.

[NMR] Postdoctoral position in NMR of polymer electrolytes for energy storage at UCSB (Santa Barbara, USA) #DNPNMR

December 11, 2018 - Postdoctoral position in NMR of polymer ionic liquid electrolytes for energy storage at UCSB (Santa Barbara, USA)

DNP NMR Studies of Crystalline Polymer Domains by Copolymerization with Nitroxide Radical Monomers #DNPNMR

December 10, 2018 - Verde-Sesto, Ester, Nicolas Goujon, Haritz Sardon, Pauline Ruiz, Tan Vu Huynh, Fermin Elizalde, David Mecerreyes, Maria Forsyth, and Luke A.

[NMR] Post-doctoral position available #DNPNMR

December 8, 2018 - A postdoctoral position is available to join the Emsley group at EPFL, Lausanne We are looking for highly motivated candidates to take up a Postdoctoral position developing new methods in NMR spectroscopy to address challenging problems in chemistry and materials science.

Long-range heteronuclear J-coupling constants in esters: Implications for 13C metabolic MRI by side-arm parahydrogen-induced polarization

December 7, 2018 - Stewart, Neil J., Hiroyuki Kumeta, Mitsushi Tomohiro, Takuya Hashimoto, Noriyuki Hatae, and Shingo Matsumoto. “Long-Range Heteronuclear J-Coupling Constants in Esters: Implications for 13C Metabolic MRI by Side-Arm Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization.