EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Ion exchange and binding in selenium remediation materials using DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy #DNPNMR

April 12, 2019 - Mais, Marco, Javier Torroba, Nathan S. Barrow, Subhradip Paul, and Jeremy J. Titman. “Ion Exchange and Binding in Selenium Remediation Materials Using DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.

Electron Decoupling with Chirped Microwave Pulses for Rapid Signal Acquisition and Electron Saturation Recovery #DNPNMR

April 10, 2019 - Barnes, Alexander, Nicholas Alaniva, Edward P. Saliba, Erika L. Sesti, and Patrick T. Judge. “Electron Decoupling with Chirped Microwave Pulses for Rapid Signal Acquisition and Electron Saturation Recovery.

Junior professor position in solid-state NMR at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

April 9, 2019 - Dear colleagues, We are inviting applications for a «Junior Professor» (tenure-track) position in NMR spectroscopy at the Department of Chemistry of Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris.

Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for the Study of Hydration Dynamics, Explained #DNPNMR #ODNP

April 8, 2019 - Franck, John M., and Songi Han. “Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for the Study of Hydration Dynamics, Explained.

PhD position in hyperpolarized NMR of biomolecules #DNPNMR

April 6, 2019 - Dear colleagues, a three-year PhD thesis funded by the Horizon2020 initiative of the EU is available at the biological chemistry department of the university Vienna.

Applications of Dissolution-DNP for NMR Screening

April 5, 2019 - Kim, Yaewon, and Christian Hilty. “Applications of Dissolution-DNP for NMR Screening.” In Methods in Enzymology, 615:501–26.