EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Postdoctoral Position in Parahydrogen Enhanced NMR, National High Magnetic Field Lab and Bowers Group #DNPNMR #PHIP

April 26, 2019 - Location: Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Salary: $48,188/year + fringe benefits One-year contract, renewable for a 2nd year

Ultrafast Single‐Scan 2D NMR Spectroscopic Detection of a PHIP‐Hyperpolarized Protease Inhibitor #PHIP

April 26, 2019 - Kiryutin, Alexey S., Grit Sauer, Daniel Tietze, Martin Brodrecht, Stephan Knecht, Alexandra V. Yurkovskaya, Konstantin L.

Four millimeter spherical rotors spinning at 28 kHz with double-saddle coils for cross polarization NMR #DNPNMR

April 24, 2019 - Gao, Chukun, Patrick T. Judge, Erika L. Sesti, Lauren E. Price, Nicholas Alaniva, Edward P. Saliba, Brice J.

Methyl dynamics in amino acids modulate heteronuclear cross relaxation in the solid state under MAS DNP #DNPNMR

April 22, 2019 - Aladin, Victoria, and Björn Corzilius. “Methyl Dynamics in Amino Acids Modulate Heteronuclear Cross Relaxation in the Solid State under MAS DNP.

Quantification of hyperpolarisation efficiency in SABRE and SABRE-Relay enhanced NMR spectroscopy #SABRE #DNP

April 19, 2019 - Richardson, Peter M., Richard O. John, Andrew J. Parrott, Peter J. Rayner, Wissam Iali, Alison Nordon, Meghan E.

[NMR] PhD in computational spin dynamics

April 17, 2019 - Peter Hore peter.hore@chem.ox.ac.uk via listes.univ-paris-diderot.fr PhD in computational spin dynamics at the Universities of Oxford and Oldenburg