EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Postdoctoral position: DNP-enhanced biomolecular solid-state NMR-spectroscopy for the study of protein (mis)folding #DNPNMR

November 14, 2019 - A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Henrike Heise at Forschungszentrum Juelich/Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf

Rutile dielectric loop-gap resonator for X-band EPR spectroscopy of small aqueous samples

November 13, 2019 - Mett, Richard R., Jason W. Sidabras, James R. Anderson, Candice S. Klug, and James S. Hyde.

TmDOTP: An NMR-based thermometer for magic angle spinning NMR experiments

November 11, 2019 - Knowing the actual sample temperature in a solid-state NMR experiment is crucial in many ways. Many different approaches exist from measuring the chemical shift difference in spectra of ethylene glycol (solution-state NMR spectroscopy) to measuring the peak position in lead nitrate or the T1 relaxation times of KBr (solid-state NMR spectroscopy).

Perspectives on microwave coupling into cylindrical and spherical rotors with dielectric lenses for magic angle spinning dynamic nuclear polarization #DNPNMR

November 8, 2019 - Chen, Pin-Hui, Chukun Gao, and Alexander B. Barnes. “Perspectives on Microwave Coupling into Cylindrical and Spherical Rotors with Dielectric Lenses for Magic Angle Spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.

Reaction Monitoring Using SABRE-Hyperpolarized Benchtop (1 T) NMR Spectroscopy

November 6, 2019 - Semenova, Olga, Peter M. Richardson, Andrew J. Parrott, Alison Nordon, Meghan E. Halse, and Simon B.

Understanding Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation through NMR relaxometry #DNPNMR

November 4, 2019 - Parigi, Giacomo, Enrico Ravera, Marina Bennati, and Claudio Luchinat. “Understanding Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation through NMR Relaxometry.