EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Opportunities and Challenges for EIK's in DNP NMR Applications #DNPNMR

January 29, 2020 - Rosay, Melanie, Ivan Scrgeyev, Leo Tometich, Christopher Hickey, Albert Roitman, Doug Yake, and Dave Berry. “Opportunities and Challenges for EIK’s in DNP NMR Applications.

High power Continuously Frequency-tunable Terahertz Radiation Sources and Transmission Lines for DNP-enhanced NMR System #DNPNMR

January 27, 2020 - Liu, Diwei, Tao Song, Hao Shen, Jie Huang, Ning Zhang, Chenghai Wang, Wei Wang, and Shenggang Liu.

Bridge12 is looking for a Mechanical Engineer #Bridge12

January 26, 2020 - Bridge12 has an opening for a mechanical engineer. As a Mechanical Engineer at Bridge12, you will work on multidisciplinary projects that involve the development of microwave and terahertz generators, particle accelerators and other scientific instrumentation.

[NMR] PhD position with NV centres in diamond at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

January 26, 2020 - Dear colleagues and friends, we are searching for a highly motivated PhD candidate within the DFG funded project “Quantum many body interactions in a two dimensional solid state system”.

Lifetime of Para-hydrogen in Aqueous Solutions and Human Blood

January 24, 2020 - Schmidt, Andreas B., Jakob Wörner, Andrey Pravdivtsev, Stephan Knecht, Harald Scherer, Stefan Weber, Jürgen Hennig, Dominik Elverfeldt, and Jan‐Bernd Hövener.

Towards Low-Cost, High-Sensitivity Point-of-Care Diagnostics Using VCO-Based ESR-on-a-Chip Detectors

January 22, 2020 - This article is not directly related to DNP-NMR spectroscopy, but shows the potential of miniaturizing the required instrumentation for EPR.