EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

State-of-the-Art of High-Power Gyro-Devices and Free Electron Masers

February 7, 2020 - Everything you ever wanted to know about gyrotrons, their applications and their design is summarized in this article.

[NMR] Symposium on Spin Hyperpolarisation, University of Nottingham, UK, 23/24 April 2020 #DNPNMR

February 7, 2020 - Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce a two-day “Symposium on Spin Hyperpolarisation”, taking place in Nottingham on April 23rd/24th 2020.

On the magnetic field stability of cryogen-free magnets for magnetic resonance applications

February 5, 2020 - Liquid cryogen-free magnets are typically used in gyrotrons. However, they are often thought to be not suitable for NMR due to vibrations of the cold-head.

Amino Acid‐Derived Sensors for Specific Zn2+ Detection Using Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy #DNPNMR

February 3, 2020 - Wang, Sinan, David E. Korenchan, Paola M. Perez, Céline Taglang, Thomas R. Hayes, Renuka Sriram, Robert Bok, et al.

[NMR] Post-doctoral position in CEA/Saclay

February 3, 2020 - CEA, CNRS, Paris-Saclay University, France A Postdoctoral research position is available from April 2020 to develop liquid-state NMR methods and instrumentation for sensitive real-time detection of synthesis intermediates.

Dynamic hyperpolarized 13C MR spectroscopic imaging using SPICE in mouse kidney at 9.4 T #DNPNMR

January 31, 2020 - Song, Jae Eun, Jaewook Shin, Hansol Lee, Young‐Suk Choi, Ho‐Taek Song, and Dong‐Hyun Kim. “Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopic Imaging Using SPICE in Mouse Kidney at 9.