EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

DNP Mechanisms #DNPNMR

February 14, 2020 - Kundu, Krishnendu, Frédéric Mentink‐Vigier, Akiva Feintuch, and Shimon Vega. “DNP Mechanisms.” In EMagRes, 295–338. American Cancer Society, 2019.

[NMR] RF instrumentation position at NHMFL

February 12, 2020 - RF instrumentation position is open at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida, funded by a P41 grant from National Institutes of Health:

[NMR] 53rd Royal Society of Chemistry ESR Group Meeting - deadline approaching #DNPNMR #EPR

February 12, 2020 - Dear Colleagues, the registration deadline for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the ESR Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry is on 21 February.

Rapid-melt DNP for multidimensional and heteronuclear high-field NMR experiments #DNPNMR

February 12, 2020 - Meerten, S.G.J. van, G.E. Janssen, and A.P.M. Kentgens. “Rapid-Melt DNP for Multidimensional and Heteronuclear High-Field NMR Experiments.


February 11, 2020 - POSTDOC(S) AT UC BERKELEY/CCNY The research groups of Professors Alex Pines, Carlos Meriles, and Jeff Reimer have funding for postdoctoral positions at UC Berkeley, in close collaboration with the City University of New York (CCNY).

Solvent suppression in solid-state DNP NMR using Electronic Mixing-Mediated Annihilation (EMMA) #DNPNMR

February 10, 2020 - Ziarelli, Fabio, Pierre Thureau, Stéphane Viel, and Giulia Mollica. “Solvent Suppression in Solid-State DNP NMR Using Electronic Mixing-Mediated Annihilation (EMMA).