March 9, 2020 - Pirez, Cyril, Hiroki Nagashima, Franck Dumeignil, and Olivier Lafon. “Probing Functionalities and Acidity of Calcined Phenylene-Bridged Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicates Using (DNP)-NMR, DRIFTS and XPS.
March 7, 2020 - The NSF funded National High Magnetic Field Laboratory is sponsoring an in depth workshop on building MRI coils for preclinical imaging the week of May 4th- 8th, 2020 at the MagLab AMRIS facility, located at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
March 6, 2020 - Yau, Wai-Ming, Jaekyun Jeon, and Robert Tycko. “Succinyl-DOTOPA: An Effective Triradical Dopant for Low-Temperature Dynamic Nuclear Polarization with High Solubility in Aqueous Solvent Mixtures at Neutral PH.
March 5, 2020 - Are you wondering what Bridge12 customers are doing with our products? You can now find a new section on our website called Bridge12 in Action.
March 4, 2020 - Mentink-Vigier, Frédéric. “Optimizing Nitroxide Biradicals for Cross-Effect MAS-DNP: The Role of g-Tensors’ Distance.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, no.
March 3, 2020 - The recently established research group of Dr. Thomas Wiegand is embedded in the Magnetic Resonance Research Center led by Prof.