March 23, 2020 - A nice overview how spinlabels can be used for structural biology studies. This includes pulsed EPR techniques such as PELDOR (DEER) and ODNP spectroscopy.
March 20, 2020 - Friebel, Anne, Thomas Specht, Erik von Harbou, Kerstin Münnemann, and Hans Hasse. “Prediction of Flow Effects in Quantitative NMR Measurements.
March 18, 2020 - Ajoy, A., R. Nazaryan, E. Druga, K. Liu, A. Aguilar, B. Han, M. Gierth, et al.
March 16, 2020 - This is an excellent review about uniform field resonators for EPR. These resonators typically have larger filling factors and therefore increased sensitivity.
March 13, 2020 - Tanaka, Shinji, Wei-Chih Liao, Atsuko Ogawa, Kazuhiko Sato, and Christophe Copéret. “DNP NMR Spectroscopy of Cross-Linked Organic Polymers: Rational Guidelines towards Optimal Sample Preparation.
March 11, 2020 - Syryamina, Victoria N., Anna G. Matveeva, Yan V. Vasiliev, Anton Savitsky, and Yuri A. Grishin. “Improving B1 Field Homogeneity in Dielectric Tube Resonators for EPR Spectroscopy via Controlled Shaping of the Dielectric Insert.