April 15, 2020 - Hyodo, Fuminori, Tatsuya Naganuma, Hinako Eto, Masaharu Murata, Hideo Utsumi, and Masayuki Matsuo. “In Vivo Melanoma Imaging Based on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhancement in Melanin Pigment of Living Mice Using in Vivo Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
April 13, 2020 - Equbal, Asif, Kan Tagami, and Songi Han. “Pulse-Shaped Dynamic Nuclear Polarization under Magic-Angle Spinning.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, no.
April 10, 2020 - Grootveld, Martin, Benita Percival, Miles Gibson, Yasan Osman, Mark Edgar, Marco Molinari, Melissa L. Mather, Federico Casanova, and Philippe B.
April 8, 2020 - Chen, Junfei, Jiwen Feng, Fang Chen, Zhen Zhang, Li Chen, Zhekai Zhang, Rugang Liao, Maili Liu, and Chaoyang Liu.
April 7, 2020 - Many conferences and meetings get postponed or canceled due to COVID-19. As of today, the updated dates for conferences that Bridge12 will attending are:
April 6, 2020 - Apply at http://jobs.icfo.eu/index.php?detail=485 The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona, Spain, invites applications for a Junior postdoctoral position in the area of optically detected magnetic resonance.