EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Inductance Calculation in Magnetic Resonance Solenoid Coils with Strip and Wire Conductors #Instrumentation #NMR

August 28, 2020 - If you’ve ever built your own RF circuit for NMR you know that calculating the inductance for a solenoid can be challenging.

Helium-rich mixtures for improved batch-mode clinical-scale spin-exchange optical pumping of Xenon-129

August 26, 2020 - Birchall, Jonathan R., Panayiotis Nikolaou, Robert K. Irwin, Michael J. Barlow, Kaili Ranta, Aaron M. Coffey, Boyd M.

Catalytic cycle of carbohydrate dehydration by Lewis acids: structures and rates from synergism of conventional and DNP NMR #DNPNMR #DDNP

August 24, 2020 - Jensen, Pernille Rose, and Sebastian Meier. “Catalytic Cycle of Carbohydrate Dehydration by Lewis Acids: Structures and Rates from Synergism of Conventional and DNP NMR.

Automated pneumatic shuttle for magnetic field cycling and parahydrogen hyperpolarized multidimensional NMR

August 21, 2020 - TomHon, Patrick, Evan Akeroyd, Sören Lehmkuhl, Eduard Y. Chekmenev, and Thomas Theis. “Automated Pneumatic Shuttle for Magnetic Field Cycling and Parahydrogen Hyperpolarized Multidimensional NMR.

Optimisation of pyruvate hyperpolarisation using SABRE by tuning the active magnetisation transfer catalyst

August 19, 2020 - Tickner, Ben. J., Olga Semenova, Wissam Iali, Peter J. Rayner, Adrian C. Whitwood, and Simon B.

Spatially resolved NMR spectroscopy of heterogeneous gas phase hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene with para-hydrogen

August 17, 2020 - Svyatova, Alexandra, Elizaveta S. Kononenko, Kirill V. Kovtunov, Dmitry Lebedev, Evgeniy Yu. Gerasimov, Andrey V. Bukhtiyarov, Igor P.