EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

[NMR] Ampere Biological Solid-State NMR School

December 16, 2020 - AMPERE Biological Solid-State NMR School Online Phase: January 13, 2021 – May 26, 2021 Combined Attendance/Online Week:

School-Conference “Spinus”

December 15, 2020 - Dear colleagues, Please, help us to disseminate information: Welcome to the 18th International School-Conference “Spinus-2021. Magnetic Resonance and its Applications” organized by the Saint

Diffusion measurements with continuous hydrogenation in PHIP

December 14, 2020 - Bussandri, S., L. Buljubasich, and R.H. Acosta. “Diffusion Measurements with Continuous Hydrogenation in PHIP.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance 320 (November 2020): 106833.

SQUID-based ultralow-field MRI of a hyperpolarized material using signal amplification by reversible exchange

December 11, 2020 - Lee, Seong-Joo, Keunhong Jeong, Jeong Hyun Shim, Hyun Joon Lee, Sein Min, Heelim Chae, Sung Keon Namgoong, and Kiwoong Kim.

[NMR] Postdoctoral position – DNP – Debelouchina lab – UCSD

December 9, 2020 - Postdoctoral position – Debelouchina lab UCSDSensitivity-enhanced NMR spectroscopy in cells The Debelouchina lab at UCSD has an NIH-funded position for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the development of in-cell DNP methodologies and applications.

Scalable dissolution-dynamic nuclear polarization with rapid transfer of a polarized solid #DNPNMR

December 9, 2020 - Kouřil, Karel, Hana Kouřilová, Samuel Bartram, Malcolm H. Levitt, and Benno Meier. “Scalable Dissolution-Dynamic Nuclear Polarization with Rapid Transfer of a Polarized Solid.