EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Potential of Isotope Substitution in EPR Studies of Nitroxide Biradicals

March 1, 2021 - Zaripov, R. B., I. T. Khairutdinov, T. Kálai, K. Kish, A. I. Kokorin, and K. M.

Detecting protein–protein interactions by Xe-129 NMR

February 26, 2021 - Zhao, Zhuangyu, Benjamin W. Roose, Serge D. Zemerov, Madison A. Stringer, and Ivan J. Dmochowski. “Detecting Protein–Protein Interactions by Xe-129 NMR.

ssNMR symposium at IUPAC (Scott Kroeker)

February 24, 2021 - Dear NMR Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to Advances in Solid-State NMR Methodology and Applications, a symposium to be held during the joint 51st IUPAC General Assembly and 104th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition.

Topologically optimized magnetic lens for magnetic resonance applications

February 24, 2021 - Wadhwa, Sagar, Mazin Jouda, Yongbo Deng, Omar Nassar, Dario Mager, and Jan G. Korvink. “Topologically Optimized Magnetic Lens for Magnetic Resonance Applications.

[NMR] Galia Debelouchina| Tools for NMR Biologist| Tutorial | Tuesday Match 2

February 22, 2021 - Dear NMR Enthusiast, The 23rd Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Prof. Galia Debelouchina, UC San Diego, USA, on the topic:

Room temperature hyperpolarization of polycrystalline sampleswith optically polarized triplet electrons: Pentacene orNitrogen-Vacancy center in diamond?

February 22, 2021 - Miyanishi, Koichiro, Takuya F. Segawa, Kazuyuki Takeda, Izuru Ohki, Shinobu Onoda, Takeshi Ohshima, Hiroshi Abe, et al.