EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

In Situ Detection of Endogenous HIV Activation by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR and Flow Cytometry

March 12, 2021 - Overall, Sarah A., Lauren E. Price, Brice J. Albert, Chukun Gao, Nicholas Alaniva, Patrick T. Judge, Erika L.

Postdoc position in group of Malcolm Levitt at Southampton

March 10, 2021 - A postdoc position is available in Malcolm Levitt’s group in Southampton, to do research on the NMR, terahertz spectroscopy and neutron scattering of endofullerenes.

[NMR] Fabien Ferrage| Low-field vs. High-Field NMR| Tutorial | Tuesday Match 16, 9am California or 12 noon Boston or 5pm Paris

March 9, 2021 - Dear NMR Enthusiast, The 24th Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Prof. Fabien Ferrage, ENS Paris, France, on the topic:

NMR Center Manager Position, University of Toronto Medical Sciences NMR Facility

March 9, 2021 - NMR Center Manager Position, University of Toronto Medical Sciences NMR Facility An NMR manager position is available to oversee a large NMR facility consisting of 9 high field NMR magnets, including 1 GHz, 1 800 MHz, 1 700 MHz, 3 600 MHz, and 3 500 MHz spectrometers.

[IES] Announcing IES Awards for 2021; call for nomination of IES best paper Award and IES membership drive Inbox

March 9, 2021 - A letter from the IES President. Dear current and former IES members We would like to update you with some important issues related to IES activity: