EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Advanced characterization of regioselectively substituted methylcellulose model compounds by DNP enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy

April 5, 2021 - Berruyer, Pierrick, Martin Gericke, Pinelopi Moutzouri, Dörthe Jakobi, Michel Bardet, Leif Karlson, Staffan Schantz, Thomas Heinze, and Lyndon Emsley.

Apr 6th ZOOMinar: Albert A. Smith (Leipzig) and Leonard J. Mueller (UC Riverside)

April 2, 2021 - (Note that the European time is back to the usual Zoominar time after daylight saving)

Efficient transfer of DNP‐enhanced 1H magnetization to half‐integer quadrupolar nuclei in solids at moderate spinning rate

April 2, 2021 - Nagashima, Hiroki, Julien Trébosc, Yoshihiro Kon, Olivier Lafon, and Jean‐Paul Amoureux. “Efficient Transfer of DNP‐enhanced 1 H Magnetization to Half‐integer Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids at Moderate Spinning Rate.

Open-source, partially 3D-printed, high-pressure (50-bar) liquid-nitrogen-cooled parahydrogen generator

March 31, 2021 - Ellermann, Frowin, Andrey Pravdivtsev, and Jan-Bernd Hövener. “Open-Source, Partially 3D-Printed, High-Pressure (50-Bar) Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled Parahydrogen Generator.” Magnetic Resonance, 2021, 14.

PhDs in MAS-DNP at CEA / Univ. Grenoble Alpes (France)

March 30, 2021 - PhDs in MAS-DNP at CEA / Univ. Grenoble Alpes (France) Gaël DE PAËPE We are looking for 2 PhD candidates in the field of solid-state NMR combined with Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, for a start in October-December 2021.


March 29, 2021 - This week’s highlight is without doubt the ENC conference. Although only three days long and entirely virtual the organizers have put together an exciting program.