EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

SABRE and PHIP pumped RASER and the route to chaos

May 12, 2021 - Appelt, Stephan, Sören Lehmkuhl, Simon Fleischer, Baptiste Joalland, Nuwandi M. Ariyasingha, Eduard Y. Chekmenev, and Thomas Theis.

Amrit Venkatesh, ssNMR of Exotic nuclei, Tutorial, Tuesday, May 11, 8am California or 11 am Boston or 5pm Paris

May 10, 2021 - Dear NMR Enthusiasts, The 27th Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Dr. Amrit Venkatesh, Postdoctoral Fellow, EPFL, Switzerland (Prof.

Euromar 2021 - deadline approaching!

May 10, 2021 - Patrick Giraudeau via listes.univ-paris-diderot.fr Fri, May 7, 5:59 PM (3 days ago) to nmr, Janez

Electron Spin Effects in Static DNP with Broadband Excitation

May 10, 2021 - Shimon, Daphna, and Ilia Kaminker. “Electron Spin Effects in Static DNP with Broadband Excitation.” In EMagRes, 309–32.

Tunable iridium catalyst designs with bidentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligands for SABRE hyperpolarization of sterically hindered substrates

May 7, 2021 - Pham, Pierce, and Christian Hilty. “Tunable Iridium Catalyst Designs with Bidentate N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands for SABRE Hyperpolarization of Sterically Hindered Substrates.

Solid-State NMR Postdoc Position at Ames Laboratory

May 6, 2021 - Dear Colleagues, The Division of Chemical & Biological Sciences at Ames Laboratory, a Department of Energy National Laboratory affiliated with Iowa State University, is seeking a postdoctoral associate with a strong background in solid-state NMR spectroscopy.