EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Dynamic Nuclear Polarization with Vanadium(IV) Metal Centers

May 24, 2021 - Jain, Sheetal Kumar, Chung-Jui Yu, Christopher Blake Wilson, Tarnuma Tabassum, Danna E. Freedman, and Songi Han.

Post-doctoral position in solid-state NMR spectroscopy at US DOE Ames Laboratory, Ames, Iowa, USA

May 21, 2021 - The Division of Materials Science and Engineering at Ames Laboratory, a Department of Energy National Laboratory affiliated with Iowa State University, is searching for a qualified Postdoctoral Research Associate.

Continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance L-band spectrometer with direct digitalization using time-locked subsampling

May 21, 2021 - Kozioł, J., P. Rajda, R. Rumian, T. Oleś, P. Budzioch, R.J. Gurbiel, and W. Froncisz. “Continuous Wave Electron Paramagnetic Resonance L-Band Spectrometer with Direct Digitalization Using Time-Locked Subsampling.

Malcolm Levitt| Symmetry-Based Recoupling

May 19, 2021 - Dear NMR Enthusiasts, We are glad to announce that the 28th Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Prof.

PhD scholarship in Brain Metabolism with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

May 19, 2021 - PhD scholarship in Brain Metabolism with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Background: Metabolic imaging is an attractive tool for the study of integrative physiology as it provides the means to non-invasively measure cellular function where it appears in single cells, tissue, organs or organisms.

Dual channel EPR excitation coil array for Overhauser-enhanced MRI

May 19, 2021 - Enomoto, Ayano, and Kazuhiro Ichikawa. “Dual Channel EPR Excitation Coil Array for Overhauser-Enhanced MRI.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance 323 (February 2021): 106890.