EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Emerging Topics 54th: Nicolas Fawzi & Lyndon Emsley

July 13, 2021 - 54th edition of the lecture series on “Emerging Topics in Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance” on Jul 15th, 2021 7 a.

High homogeneity permanent magnet for diamond magnetometry

July 12, 2021 - Wickenbrock, Arne, Huijie Zheng, Georgios Chatzidrosos, Joseph Shaji Rebeirro, Tim Schneemann, and Peter Blümler. “High Homogeneity Permanent Magnet for Diamond Magnetometry.

Low field, time domain NMR in the agriculture and agrifood sectors: An overview of applications in plants, foods and biofuels

July 9, 2021 - Colnago, Luiz Alberto, Zeev Wiesman, Guilhem Pages, Maja Musse, Tatiana Monaretto, Carel W. Windt, and Corinne Rondeau-Mouro.

Electron Spin Effects in Static DNP with Broadband Excitation #DNPNMR

July 7, 2021 - Shimon, Daphna, and Ilia Kaminker. “Electron Spin Effects in Static DNP with Broadband Excitation.” In EMagRes, 309–32.

Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium | Dr. Ralf Wunderlich | Wednesday July 7 on Zoom

July 6, 2021 - Dear Colleagues, the next Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium will take place on Wednesday, July 7, on Zoom (4pm CEST - Berlin, 10pm CST - Peking, 10am EST - New York).

395GHz/600MHz DNP MAS NMR Facility Manager University of Nottingham UK

July 6, 2021 - DNP MAS NMR Facility Manager, University of Nottingham, UK Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Facility Manager for the Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR Facility at the University of Nottingham.