EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

A 2.0-GHz compact ESR spectrometer for monitoring automobile lubrication oil degradation #EPR #Instrumentation

December 29, 2021 - Cheng, Fan, Takayuki Shibata, Yoshifumi Aoki, and Hiroshi Hirata. “A 2.0-GHz Compact ESR Spectrometer for Monitoring Automobile Lubrication Oil Degradation.

Boosting dissolution-dynamic nuclear polarization by multiple-step dipolar order mediated 1H->13C cross-polarization #DNPNMR

December 24, 2021 - Elliott, Stuart J., Olivier Cala, Quentin Stern, Samuel F. Cousin, Morgan Ceillier, Venita Decker, and Sami Jannin.

Global NMR Discussion Meetings - Important Announcement

December 22, 2021 - Dear NMR Experts and Enthusiasts, We are taking a short winter break. We will be back next year with our 41st session on January 25, 2022.

Two millimeter diameter spherical rotors spinning at 68 kHz for MAS NMR #DNPNMR #Instrumentation

December 22, 2021 - Chen, Pin-Hui, Chukun Gao, Lauren E. Price, Michael A. Urban, Thomas M. Osborn Popp, and Alexander B.

Two PhD studentships and one research project manager position available at the University of Liverpool

December 22, 2021 - PhD studentships We have two PhD studentships available to start on 1st October 2022. These studentships will allow two highly motivated candidates to participate in the development of the stimulating area of (DNP) MAS NMR spectroscopy and will have research profiles across NMR spectroscopy and materials chemistry.

An automated system for fast transfer and injection of hyperpolarized solutions #DNPNMR #Hyperpolarization

December 20, 2021 - Ceillier, Morgan, Olivier Cala, Théo El Daraï, Samuel F. Cousin, Quentin Stern, Sylvie Guibert, Stuart J.