EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Chapter One - Recent advances in dynamic nuclear polarization-enhanced NMR spectroscopy for organic polymers #DNPNMR

April 15, 2022 - Tanaka, Shinji. “Chapter One - Recent Advances in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization-Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy for Organic Polymers.

Rapid scan ESR: A versatile tool for the spin relaxation studies at (sub)THz frequencies #EPR

April 13, 2022 - Laguta, O., A. Sojka, A. Marko, and P. Neugebauer. “Rapid Scan ESR: A Versatile Tool for the Spin Relaxation Studies at (Sub)THz Frequencies.

Deadline approaching for student grant applications: Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids 2022

April 11, 2022 - Dear Colleagues, Please note that the 26th of April is the deadline for applications for a student grant for the Alpine Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids 2022.

Postdoctoral position in development of multiple-pulse DNP experiments #DNPNMR

April 11, 2022 - A postdoctoral position is available in development of multiple-pulse methods for dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) in the group of Prof.

Blatter-type radicals as polarizing agents for electrochemical overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization #ODNP #DNPNMR

April 11, 2022 - Saenz, Felipe, Mika Tamski, Jonas Milani, Christophe Roussel, Holger Frauenrath, and Jean-Philippe Ansermet. “Blatter-Type Radicals as Polarizing Agents for Electrochemical Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.

Introducing DNPLab Feature Notes - Importing and Processing NMR Data #DNPLab #DNPNMR

April 8, 2022 - For the last two years, Bridge12 has been developing the Python package DNPLab in collaboration with the Franck lab at Syracuse University and the Han lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara.