EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium, Dr. Yiqiao Song, Wednesday April 27 on Zoom

April 22, 2022 - Dear Colleagues, the next Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium will take place on Wednesday, April 27, on Zoom (4pm CEST - Berlin, 10pm CST - Beijing, 10am EDT - New York).

Research Engineer in solution-state and hyperpolarized NMR at CRMN-Lyon #DNPNMR

April 22, 2022 - Dear Colleagues, In anticipation of the opening of a permanent position, the CRMN-Lyon is recruiting a research engineer.

Stability of the nitroxide biradical AMUPol in intact and lysed mammalian cells #DNPNMR

April 22, 2022 - Ghosh, Rupam, Rania Dumarieh, Yiling Xiao, and Kendra K Frederick. “Stability of the Nitroxide Biradical AMUPol in Intact and Lysed Mammalian Cells.

Cooling classical many-spin systems using feedback control #DNPNMR #Hyperpolarization

April 20, 2022 - Elsayed, Tarek A., and Boris V. Fine. “Cooling Classical Many-Spin Systems Using Feedback Control.” Physical Review B 105, no.

Synergies between Hyperpolarized NMR and Microfluidics - A Review #DNPNMR

April 18, 2022 - Eills, James, William Hale, and Marcel Utz. “Synergies between Hyperpolarized NMR and Microfluidics: A Review.” Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 128 (February 2022): 44–69.

DNPLab 2.0.4 Release Note

April 15, 2022 - New releases for DNPLab are published every other Friday at 5 pm EST. This release includes updates to documentation and clean up of the window module.