EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Multinuclear absolute magnetic resonance thermometry

July 4, 2022 - Silletta, Emilia V., Alexej Jerschow, Guillaume Madelin, and Leeor Alon. “Multinuclear Absolute Magnetic Resonance Thermometry.” Communications Physics 2, no.

Twitter Conference on NMR: August 3-5, 2022

July 4, 2022 - Dear NMR enthusiasts, Global NMR Discussion Meetings will conduct a summer Twitter Conference (fully online from August 3-5, 2022) on the development and application of NMR spectroscopy, to provide opportunities to all interested students and postdocs to present their research, facilitate open discussions, and promote networking across the wider NMR user base.

PIN diode driver for NMR and MRI #Instrumentation

July 1, 2022 - Johansen, D. H., M. M. Albannay, J. R. Petersen, V. Zhurbenko, and J. H. Ardenkjær-Larsen. “PIN Diode Driver for NMR and MRI.

PostDoc Position Available at ETH: High MAS High Field NMR with Bockmann, Meier, Ernst & Barnes #DNPNMR

June 29, 2022 - PostDoc Position Available at ETH: High-MAS High-Field NMR with Böckmann, Meier, Ernst & Barnes In the laboratory of Physical Chemistry Department of ETH Zurich we are looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral candidate to carry out applications of MAS NMR to viral proteins of high biological interest and methods development of high MAS (0.

The gyrotron for DNP-NMR spectroscopy: A review #DNPNMR #Instrumentation

June 29, 2022 - Nowak, Kacper. “The Gyrotron for DNP-NMR Spectroscopy: A Review,” 2022. https://doi.org/10.24425/BPASTS.2022.140354. This paper outlines the principle of the DNP-NMR technique.

DNP NMR spectroscopy enabled direct characterization of polystyrene-supported catalyst species for synthesis of glycidyl esters by transesterification #DNPNMR

June 27, 2022 - Tanaka, Shinji, Yumiko Nakajima, Atsuko Ogawa, Takashi Kuragano, Yoshihiro Kon, Masanori Tamura, Kazuhiko Sato, and Christophe Copéret.