July 13, 2022 - Dear Colleagues, A PhD position funded by the ERC is available working in our team (hmrlab.
July 13, 2022 - Looking for a postdoc position in an awesome research environment with growth potential? Email Dr. Yi-Fen Yen (yyen1@mgh.
July 11, 2022 - Dickson, Claire L., George Peat, Matheus Rossetto, Meghan E. Halse, and Dušan Uhrín. “SHARPER-Enhanced Benchtop NMR: Improving SNR by Removing Couplings and Approaching Natural Linewidths.
July 8, 2022 - Berruyer, Pierrick, Andrea Bertarello, Snædís Björgvinsdóttir, Moreno Lelli, and Lyndon Emsley. “1H Detected Relayed Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.
July 8, 2022 - The Center for Pulmonary Imaging Research (CPIR) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is soliciting applications for a staff position at the level of Research Assistant II or III, depending on qualifications.
July 6, 2022 - Bryden, Nicholas, Michael Antonacci, Michele Kelley, and Rosa T. Branca. “An Open-Source, Low-Cost NMR Spectrometer Operating in the MT Field Regime.