[NMR] Postdoc - MAS-DNP at CEA Grenoble

Published: Tuesday, 04 September 2012 - 14:18 UTC


Repost from: AMPERE MAGNETIC RESONANCE mailing list:


**Post-Doc (2 years) - CEA INAC (Grenoble/France) **

Dear colleagues,

We have an opening for a postdoctoral fellowship in MAS-DNP NMR at the Institute for Nanosciences and Cryogenics (CEA - Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives / University of Grenoble). 

Starting date: before the end of 2012. 

The lab is equipped with a state of the art Bruker MAS-DNP system (400 MHz / 263 GHz) and is currently running a program to access MAS temperatures < 100 K using Helium spinning. The lab also hosts a second 400 MHz system equipped with 1.3 / 2.5 / 3.2 / 4 mm probes and can access high field instruments through the French TGIR framework (http://www.tgir-rmn.org/). Researchers with a strong background or interest in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization / NMR methodology and its application to bio-molecules/materials are particularly welcome to apply. This fellowship is funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). The initial duration is 12 months with an additional 12 months extension upon results. 

For further information regarding details of the research and of the appointment, interested candidates should contact me directly at gael.depaepe@cea.fr

Gaël De Paëpe 


Dr Gaël De Paëpe 

Laboratoire de Résonances Magnétiques 

Service de Chimie Inorganique et Biologique 



Commissariat à l’énergie Atomique 

17, rue des Martyrs 

Bâtiment 51C 

Office P.132a / Lab P.138 

38054 Grenoble 

Cedex 9 - France 

email gael.depaepe@cea.fr

voice (office) +33 4 38 78 65 70 

voice (lab) +33 4 38 78 47 26 

fax +33 4 38 78 50 90