DNP symposium Denmark August 2013

Published: Wednesday, 30 January 2013 - 21:59 UTC


Dear Colleagues 

I am happy to announce that the registration for the 4th International DNP Symposium (, Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug 28-31, 2013, is now open. Registration closes May 15. 

The three day meeting will cover all aspects of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization from the basic sciences to engineering and applications. The venue of the symposium is a beautiful conference center north of Copenhagen with accommodation and meals provided in the same location. The intent is to create a stimulating environment for scientific interactions across disciplines and at all levels of career. We hope to see as many of you as possible in August. 

A preliminary program is posted along with the invited speakers list. The invited speakers are also abstract reviewers, and a blinded peer-reviewed process is applied for acceptance of the remaining oral presentations and posters. This way we aim to build a scientific program of the highest quality by transparent and fair selection. Abstract submission closes June 1, but is already open for submission. 

All the best, 

The Organizing Committee 

Lise Vejby Søgaard 

Lars G. Hanson 

Susanne Mossin 

Sebastian Meier 

Charlotte Held Gotfredsen 

Mathilde H. Lerche 

Niels Chr Nielsen 

Jan Henrik Ardenkjaer-Larsen 


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