Dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization NMR studies of enzyme kinetics: setting up differential equations for fitting to spectral time courses #DNPNMR

Published: Friday, 19 June 2020 - 14:00 UTC


Kuchel, Philip W., and Dmitry Shishmarev. “Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR Studies of Enzyme Kinetics: Setting up Differential Equations for Fitting to Spectral Time Courses.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, March 2020, 100001.


Dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) provides strikingly increased sensitivity for detecting NMR-receptive nuclei in molecules that are substrates of enzymes and membrane transport proteins. This paves the way for studying the kinetics of many such catalysed reactions on previously unattainable short time scales (seconds). Remarkably, this can also be carried out not only in vitro, but in whole cells, tissues, and even in vivo. The information obtained from the emergent NMR time courses is a sequence of spectral-peak intensities (integrals) as a function of time. Typically, for 13C NMR studies, these consist of a series of spectra acquired every 1 s for a total time span of ~3 min.