COST summer school 2012 on Spin-Hyperpolarization

Published: Tuesday, 22 May 2012 - 20:11 UTC


COST summer school 2012 on Spin-Hyperpolarization 

Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, 29 Oct - 2 Nov 2012 

Organizers: Arno Kentgens & Joerg Matysik

To strengthen and link European efforts on hyperpolarization, the COST Network EUROHyperPOL has been set up ( Annual summer schools presenting an overview and common grounds on the field will be organized. 

PhD students & young postdocs are now invited to apply. Maximum number of students is limited to 20. Please provide a short cv and statement of motivation via our Lorentz website. 

Participants of the network are especially encouraged to apply. Costs for workshop & accomodation (and possibly travel) will be covered. 

Deadline for application is June 11, 2012.