4th International DNP Symposium

Published: Wednesday, 05 June 2013 - 15:00 UTC


Dear Colleague

The 4th International DNP Symposium (www.DNPsymposium.org), Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug 28-31, 2013, is in less than three months.

The registration has been extended to July 31 or until capacity (200). There are only a few seats left, so secure your registration if you wish to participate.

Likewise, we have extended the abstract submission deadline to allow “late submissions” until July 31. If you missed the original deadline we encourage you to submit your work.

We have received a high number of quality abstracts that will be reviewed during June, and a preliminary program will be posted by the end of June. I am sure we will have a fantastic meeting. Further practical information about the meeting will be posted on the webpage in the coming weeks.

I would like to draw your attention to the training school “Acquisition strategies for hyperpolarized spin systems: spatial, spectral and temporal” (www.esmrmb.org) in Copenhagen that precedes the symposium.

All the best, and hoping to see you in Copenhagen in August.

The Organizing Committee

Lise Vejby Søgaard

Lars G. Hanson

Susanne Mossin

Sebastian Meier

Charlotte Held Gotfredsen

Mathilde H. Lerche

Niels Chr Nielsen

Jan Henrik Ardenkjaer-Larsen

Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen 

Adjunct Professor 

DTU Electrical Engineering 

Technical University of Denmark 

Department of Electrical Engineering 

Ørsteds Plads 

Building 349, Room 106 

DK - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby 


Direct +45 4540272775 

