Levien, Marcel, Federico De Biasi, Ganesan Karthikeyan, Gilles Casano, Máté Visegrádi, Olivier Ouari, and Lyndon Emsley. “Mechanism of Solid-State 1H Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in a Synthetic Donor–Chromophore–Acceptor at 0.3 T.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15, no. 44 (November 7, 2024): 11097–103.
1H photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) has recently emerged as a tool to enhance bulk 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals in solids at magnetic fields ranging from 0.3 to 21.1 T,using synthetic donor− chromophore−acceptor (D−C−A) molecules as optically active polarizing agents (PAs). However, the mechanisms at play for the generation of spin polarization in these systems have not been determined but are essential for an in-depth understanding and further development of the process. Here, we introduce site-selective deuteration to identify the 1H photo-CIDNP mechanisms at 85K and 0.3T inD−C−A molecule PhotoPol. We find that the protons on the acceptor moiety are essential for the generation of polarization, establishing differential relaxation as the main mechanism. These results establish selective deuteration as a tool to identify and suppress polarization transfer mechanisms, which opens up pathways for further optimization of the optical PA at both low and high magnetic fields.