IVEM Seminar 25 September #EPR #DNPNMR

Published: Tuesday, 24 September 2024 - 10:00 -0400

Author: Thorsten Maly

Hi everyone,

It is my pleasure to announce that we are once again hosting the International EPR Society Virtual seminars. To kick off our Fall schedule, I would like to invite you to the next presentation, which will occur on Wednesday, September 25th. Veronika Szalai from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA will present her work on:

Structure and dynamics of flexibly-linked, multi-domain proteins determined using spins, scattering, and simulations.

Webinar details: Time: Wednesday, September 25th, 2024, 6:00 AM California/ 9:00 AM Boston/ 3:00 PM Paris/ 6:30 PM Delhi

Webinar Link: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/97871919512?pwd=vkHsXojv09hPWIoMaO1FNoFeL2aZj5.1
Password: IVEM

Feel free to forward this invitation to your groups and any other interested colleagues. More information can be found on our website, including information on how to join our mailing list and links to previous seminars on our youtube channel:

Our Fall schedule features presentations and tutorials from the following community members:
25 September, Veronika Szalai, NIST, USA
9 October, Steen Hansen, University of Copenhagen, DK
23 October, Gavin Morley, University of Warwick, UK
6 November, Ilia Kaminker, Tel-Aviv University, IL
20 November, Sylvain Bertaina, CNRS Marseille, FR
4 December, Oleksii Laguta, Central European Institute of Technology, CZ
18 December, Michael Hope, University of Warwick, UK
15 January, Yujie Zhao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
22 January, Joshua Telser, Roosevelt University, USA
29 January, Zhongyu Yang, University of Missouri, USA

We would love to have you join our speaker schedule. If you or another colleague would like to showcase your work by presenting in one of our seminars, please reach out to someone on the IVEM team. See the about us section of our website for contact information.

With warm regards,

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