Post-doctoral position in DNP MAS NMR of pharmaceuticals at CRMN Lyon

Published: Wednesday, 05 June 2024 - 10:00 -0400

Author: Thorsten Maly

Dear All,

A Post-Doc position at the High-Field NMR Centre (CRMN) in Lyon is available in the group of Judith Schlagnitweit working on DNP NMR methods to study pharmaceuticals.

The project:
Areas of research include DNP methods development (e.g. DNP at high fields and under ultra-fast MAS or 19F DNP) to obtain structural information of small molecule drugs as well as nucleic acid therapeutics in vitro, in their formulations and ultimately in their environment of action, in cell. Established collaborations with industrial partners make it possible to work at the interface between pharmaceutical industry and academia for candidates who wish to do so.

For informal enquiries, please contact Judith Schlagnitweit:

About CRMN:
The CRMN is part of a diverse and international campus, located in the vibrant city of Lyon, renowned for its history, food and culture ( The lab hosts two DNP systems operating at 400 MHz / 263 GHz and 800 MHz / 527 GHz. The instruments are equipped with 3.2, 1.3 mm and 0.7 mm DNP probes. In addition the centre hosts 5 NMR spectrometers (from 500 to 1000 MHz), all equipped with state-of-the-art solid-state NMR hardware. The project will be carried out using this state-of-the-art equipment, jointly with other CRMN PIs and in collaboration with leading international groups in radical design as well as with industrial partners.

Eligibility & Selection Criteria: Candidates must hold a PhD in chemistry, physics, or a related field, and must have strong experience in NMR. Expertise in solid-state NMR and DNP is of advantage. Excellent communication skills in English, ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams and scientific creativity are essential.

Terms of employment: The position involves full-time employment initially for one year but with the possibility to be extended to two years. Reviewing of the applications will begin immediately and proceed until the position is filled.

To apply send an email to Judith Schlagnitweit ( with the following documents in English:

  • Cover letter with a description of past research
  • CV and full publication list
  • Contact information of 2-3 referees

Best regards,
Judith Schlagnitweit

Dr Judith Schlagnitweit
Centre de RMN à Hauts Champs de Lyon
CNRS/Université Lyon1/ENS-Lyon
5 rue de la Doua
69100 Villeurbanne, France

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