Our paper about ODNP-enhanced 2D Proton NMR Spectroscopy has been published. Experiments were performed at 14 MHz (0.35 T) in a permanent magnet, using the Overhauser effect for sensitivity enhancement. Check it out. It’s published in an open-source journal and freely accesible.

Keller, Timothy J., and Thorsten Maly. “Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Two-Dimensional Proton NMR Spectroscopy at Low Magnetic Fields,” 2021.
The majority of low-field Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization (ODNP) experiments reported so far have been 1D NMR experiments to study molecular dynamics and in particular hydration dynamics. In this work, we demonstrate the application of ODNP-enhanced 2D J-resolved (JRES) spectroscopy to improve spectral resolution beyond the limit imposed by the line broadening introduced by the paramagnetic polarizing agent. Using this approach, we are able to separate the overlapping multiplets of ethyl crotonate into a second dimension and clearly identify each chemical site individually. Crucial to these experiments is interleaved spectral referencing, a method introduced to compensate for temperature-induced field drifts over the course of the NMR acquisition. This method does not require additional hardware such as a field-frequency lock, which is especially challenging when designing compact systems.